Art therapy can assist with:
Grief + Loss
Career change
Caring role
Mental Health
Family + relationship difficulties
Art Therapy + Children
Marg also works one on one with children. She works with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, anxiety, ADD/ADHD and other neuro-diversity as well as physical disabilities. She assists children to:
build self-esteem + confidence
resolve trauma and emotional wounds
express held-in emotion
have fun and relax
Feel safe
Communicate without the need for words
Art Therapy + the NDIS
Marg provides services to clients under the NDIS.
She assists NDIS clients to focus on their abilities and their strengths. She works with a calm, non-judging presence which puts clients at ease so that they feel comfortable to express themselves authentically. This inspires great freedom in art making, enhances communication and increases self-confidence.
Marg has worked with people with Down Syndrome, Bi-polar disorder, depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD & ADHD, Acquired Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, MS and dementia (amongst others). Her approach is to promote a sense of safety and trust-worthiness, to work in collaboration and offer choice.
What is Art therapy?
Art therapy is an emotional + psychological healing modality which uses art-making as a way of communicating with + about our emotional + spiritual lives.
It is not an art class or lesson. In an Art therapy session a client will paint, draw, sculpt or explore other creative media, usually in relation to a particular concern. This art making is not dependent on any experience or skill.
It is Marg's role to support this exploration and expression and to assist the client to make meaning from their art making. This usually happens through conversation and further art making.
This process also supports the client to maintain some inner reflection in their day to day lives, resulting in more insight and conscious choices.
Just because we use art making in art therapy it doesn't mean a person has to be 'good' at art, or even have a special interest in it. It's more about the expression and the connection to the non-rational part of the brain than creating a finished product. So it can be beneficial for anyone who is seeking support to bring more ease, resolution and freedom to their lives, or to understand themselves better. It can promote a greater sense of possibility and a deeper sense of self-worth.