Marg Coutts is a registered Art therapist + Counsellor. She offers clients the gift of listening with her ears, her heart + her wisdom, in an atmosphere that is imbued with acceptance.
About Marg
You know how life is… sometimes bumpy, sometimes flowing, sometimes way too much. How do you manage? What helps? And what is within your control?
Simple questions, but questions that can come from complex situations and that are not always easy to answer.
These questions have fascinated me for a long time, compelling me to seek answers…. and to find ways to share the answers with you.
In case you were wondering, many of the answers I have found come from studying Mindfulness with great teachers around the world, from completing a Masters Degree in Art Therapy and training in Internal Family Systems Therapy Level 1 and 2.
They have come from getting lost and finding my way…. again and again; from seeking guidance and from listening to my own counsel; and from sitting with people like you – courageous people who are called to live, uncompromisingly, with truth, confidence and fulfilled potential.
Let’s face it, life will carry on with its ups and downs. It will continue to challenge you. So, it makes sense to learn how to manage magnificently, right? To know how to access your courage and compassion, to know when and how to take control... and when and how to simply let go.
It’s such a precious journey, this one of self-discovery and empowerment. And to me it’s the best one going.
My offering is to share it with you.
“Art making activates a part of your brain that has a different way of understanding your experiences than your every-day thinking does.”
— Marg Coutts